Friday, October 3, 2008

How to fix a pst file that is broken and larger then 2gigs

I have run into this issue a number of times now and quite honestly the first time it happened I let the customer down and told him to suck it up and act like a man and think about emptying out his deleted next time. (meaning I gave up), by the way this does not mean I didn't try to fix it.. I spent a number of hours on it..

Well the next time I spent a little more time on the issue and found the answer I was looking for.

There are two tools used in this fix, one that is in your C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OfficeXX it is called scanost.exe or scanpst.exe depending on what type of file you are trying to fix. PST is standard outlook personal folders and OST is offline exchange created when you run exchange in cached mode.

The second tool that you need to use is available from Microsoft called the Oversized PST Recovery Utility

I will not go into a step by step on how to do the fix I don't think it is neccisary seeing that the principle is all that you need to understand. Take the oversized PST tool run it and shave the pst file in question down to where the scanpst.exe can fix it. I recommend small chunks so that you don't lose many emails along the way. (think 25 megs a pop. The last one I did I had to run the program 4 times at 25 megs a piece and I ended up shaving 100 megs of emails (in case you cannot do the math yourself).

If you have any questions feel free to post a comment.


Anonymous said...

You can use Advanced Outlook Repair to solve the problem, by eit

Christy said...
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Bob Luis said...

Another Effective PST Repair Tool which could help you to fix a PST file that is larger than 2GB

Alex said...

For convert ost to pst files you may use ost 2 pst. It allows to opening corrupted mailboxes from any types of HDD, uses modern methods of repairing damaged or lost data. Software doesn't modify data after working, because it uses copies of data.