Thursday, February 5, 2009

Check Disk or Chkdsk runs at every boot

1. click on your start menu and open the run dialog.
2. type "cmd" and return (note: dont enter quotes)
3. Next type "fsutil dirty query e:"
4. If the return message indicates that the volume is dirty go to step 5
5. Next type "chkdsk e: /f /x"
6. After that finshes repeat step 3.
7. If it is no longer dirty then reboot and you should notice no more

If this fails to fix the problem you have to move the swap file off of the drive you are working on, (yes you can put it on a USB stick) and reboot the machine and rerun the above steps. Once the machine boots properly you can then run Defrag on the drive and once it is complete move the swap file back. This would be a perfect time for a double memory static swap file.

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